From the mountains to the Riojan vineyards

By the end of the 19th century, many inhabitants of the Riojan mountains descended to the valley in search of a better life. This was how Catalina Martínez left her small mountain village and settled in Uruñuela, amidst vineyards, in the heart of Rioja Alta. Catalina knew the butcher’s trade like no one else, or as it was called then, ‘cortadora’, and soon her small meat shop gained fame and success.

Four generations later, that spirit is still alive

Martínez Corta offers a range of wines which are rooted in tradition and yet display a distinct contemporary character, thanks to the use of innovative winemaking techniques combined with grapes produced from both 100 year-old vines and younger ones. The result is a wine that expresses complexity of flavour and individual character.

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